Okay, so this is more than a *little* embarrassing to admit. I heard about the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer on Diaperswappers the other day and it had been a while since I'd read a good fiction book. So I sent DH on a scooter errand (he loves those these days) and he picked up the first of the three currently available books, Twilight.
I'll admit that I was thrown off a little when he told me that they sent him to the teen girls section of the bookstore, but I opened it and dove in anyway. I was hooked from page one. It's the wickedly delicious story of a beatiful vampire boy and his soul mate, the very human Bella.

I'm not totally sure what it is about the story that has me so completely entranced, but I've read through almost all three of the currently available books (the fourth comes out Aug. 2) in almost as many days. I've always tended to dive a little deep into books - even in high school I would finish them in a day or two. And of course, in my mind, I am Bella and Edward looks a lot like my husband Jared (but still a lot like Edward, too, though I don't tell my husband that) and Jacob (Bella's dear friend) looks a lot like my friend Bryan (who happens to be dating Beverly Kidd, but that's another blog).
Anyway, so the movie is coming out Dec. 12, 2008 and I am stupidly, embarrassingly excited about it. I've probably snuck a look at the preview 10 times since I started reading the books, which, I might add, are hardly for teens.

Besides the obvious reasons, I like that these books have no cussing or gratuitous sex scenes (which always send me into book-dropping shock in adult novels I've read - just a warning for those of you thinking of picking up Waiting to Exhale) but I do consider it a somewhat steamy series *fans self with hand*. It is certainly no book I'd let my future 14-year-old daughter read! But as for me, a married woman in all her mama glory - it's been a nice escape to the torrential, emotional high school days, and of course, to a vampire world that only exists in my dreams.
I'm posting this so you can enjoy these books as much as I have. Check 'em out and let me know what you think. You can learn more about the series or watch the movie preview online.
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